Mother Bird and Children

4th of July Fireworks

By the time I finish writing this, the 4th of July will have just about come to a close.  The large fireworks displays have ended and people are preparing for bed, though I’m guaranteed to hear the stray explosions of fireworks throughout the night as always.  I wasn’t originally planning on writing anything tonight, or at least not on the topic of the 4th of July, but after going outside for an hour or so to take in the sight of all of the fireworks, I thought it would be appropriate.

I made sure to go outside after it was dark so I could see some of the fireworks displays around town.  I took a seat in the wooden swing in the back yard and proceeded to watch the sky.  Our house is situated near the middle of town with no large buildings or trees obstructing the view, so I could see fireworks being let off in just about every direction.  As always the displays were essentially the same; yet still uniquely beautiful.  I spent probably about an hour just sitting there just watching the lights.  This had become a regular habit for me.  When I was slightly younger my parents and I would buy fireworks of our own from the local dollar store.  We never bought too many, being as we didn’t have much money, but just the rare togetherness of my family was enough to make the experience special.  Afterwards, I would do just as I had tonight and watch the other fantastics displays in the night sky from that same old swing.

But anyway, tonight after I had had enough of the fireworks, I got in my car and took a trip to Wal-Mart as I had to pick up some supplies so I could send a package tomorrow.  Well, when I finally got there, I was shocked to see the amount of kids in the store.  I fully expected to see a fair amount of people in the store carrying on their lives as usual, but I never expected to see that many kids…I mean it’s the 4th of July, shouldn’t every kid be outside watching and/or playing with fireworks?  It made me sad to see these kids having to tag around with their parents as they went late-night grocery shopping.  The 4th of July was always a family-bonding experience, but never did family shopping take the place of gathering to watch the fireworks.  Can’t these people take just a few hours out of one night of the year to spend quality time with their kids?  The 4th of July was one of the highlights of my childhood because I got to watch the fireworks while relaxing and spending time with my parents, not because my parents were out bargain hunting at Wal-Mart.  I only wish these kids could have the same experience.

Kermit Love

No, not Jim Hensen…I’m talking about Kermit Love.  Kermit just passed away at age 91 as a result of congestive heart failure.  Though he denies being the source of Kermit the Frog’s name, he was very involved in the design of similar puppet-type characters.  Love designed the costumes and puppets for Mr. Snuffleupagus, Oscar the Grouch and Cookie Monster, as well the Snuggle Bear from the fabric softener commercials.  Yet, he is best known for designing the 8-foot 2-inch yellow feathered costume worn by Big Bird of Sesame Street.

Small piece of trivia: He appeared on Sesame Street as Willy, the neighborhood’s resident hot dog vendor.

R.I.P. to the puppet master!