Being that I’m now out of college for the summer, I have a lot more free time to surf the internet.  Because of this I’ve decided to start compiling a list of some of the top content I have found over the past week from some of my favorite websites.  I will try to do this weekly.  Anyway, here is the first edition:  Today, I brought some cupcakes to my class for my birthday, like all the cool kids do. When it came time to sing happy birthday, the entire class said “happy birthday to” then forgot my name. Except my teacher. She said Steve. My name’s Jeff. FML  Today, I had to choose between a strawberry flavored Dum Dum and a mystery flavored Dum Dum. I decided to be adventurous and choose the mystery flavor; it was strawberry flavored. MLIA

Digg:  Check out the reviews of this t-shirt on


CollegeHumorVideo of the most arrogant Call of Duty: World at War kill ever.

Fail Blog:

Awkward Family Photos:  Today, I had to choose between a strawberry flavored Dum Dum and a mystery flavored Dum Dum. I decided to be adventurous and choose the mystery flavor; it was strawberry flavored. MLIA